Sunday, December 28, 2008
And So This Is Christmas...

I received cake decorating supplies that I've been wanting and needing in order to fulfil my creative urges (and Matt's cravings), some super cute pajamas, and box of 600+ hand written I Love Yous (one for every day we've been married) from Matt. :o)
After an hour at Mom and Dad's we headed to Tyler to visit Matt's family and for some reason there we no pictures taken there either. However, we had an enjoyable time watching "The Office", playing "The Office" game, and Matt made good use of his "A to Z" game with all of his family.
We now have taken down our tree and are enjoying the rest from all the Christmas rush. We're so grateful to everyone who made this such an enjoyable Christmas for us and look forward to the day that someday we can reciprocate the kindness and generosity that was shown to us.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Graduation Day!
Working on Christmas Eve

Gingerbread House Fun!
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Feels Like Hanukkah, Just Like Hanukkah...
It's Hanukkah Time!
Before I show post pictures tonight from our most excellent Hanukkah party that will begin at sun down. I would like to first explain why this holiday ranks as my 3rd favorite holiday.
1) Christmas is one night...and then its over! All the fuss, shopping, and stress and in one 24 hour period its over and all that work you did barely gets remembered! That's a silly in my opinion. However, the celebration of Hanukkah is filled with not 1, not 2, but 8 crazy, fun filled nights! That's 8 parties in a row! Who can argue with that?!
2) Kosher Food. Kosher food is a friend to me! I am totally down with their beliefs on a lot of food and them not using the same oven/grill that cooked dirty meat to cook their own food. If meat ever makes it into my house, there will be separate knives meant for that so that I never use that same knife for my food. This is why my parents kitchen always had my utensils...and their utensils.
3) The Chahunaka Song! Everyone loves it!
6) And for no reason whatsoever besides the fact that this cracked me up when I ran across it looking for a picture of a rabbi...this picture of a cat in a yarmulke makes me love Hanukkah that much more. Ha!
I love this blue and white holiday!
Themed Meal Night Is Back!
Graduation Breakfast...15 Hours Late...But Still Good!

Monday, December 15, 2008
Free Date Night!
It wasn't planned, it just happened and it was so much fun!
We first did a little shopping with a reward I was given at work for doing double the work of everyone else....holla! Shopping was so great because NO ONE was out due to all the sleet and bad weather. We had all the stores and holiday sales completely to ourselves...even at Target!
After shopping, on our way home Matt suggested we look at Christmas lights. I suggested we get hot cocoa for the ride. We purchased our hot cocoa with a Starbucks gift card I found in my wallet from my old boss Kelly at AntiqueLand 6 or 7 years ago and were on our way.
The light displays in the neighborhood we picked were so cool! One yard's lights danced to music on the radio. Another house had mannequins in the window acting out a holiday party (like Kevin's trick on Home Alone to keep out the bad guys). The same house had giant horses and a mannequin child on the balcony helping up Santa. And there was so much more! We will have to go back and take pictures of this stuff!
The whole night was so much fun and all we did was drive in the sleet (we pretended it was snow), sipped cocoa, and gasped at lights! We should definitely try getting out of the house more often! And the best part of all this was that our whole date night was free!
What a great ending to a manic Monday!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Round 3

Our Humble Animal Themed Tree

Now all it needs are gifts under it....maybe next year.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
He Did It!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
My Only Attempt at Decorating

Tucker's Christmas
Christmas Tagged!
5 Favorite Christmas Movies:
Home Alone
Surviving Christmas
Family Man
A Charlie Brown Christmas
5 Things that Happened Yesterday:
I stayed in bed all day long
I watched an E! Special on Cults, Religions, and Mind Control (It was spooky!)
Matt made me dinner
I didn't go to sleep at night
I chatted with my mother for an hour
5 Things to Look Forward To:
A vacation
Matt finishing school on Thursday
Matt getting a new job
Paying off debt
Christmas being over, lol
5 Things on my Wish List:
A safari in Africa
Some cozy pajamas
New earrings
A new wardrobe with lots of little embellishments, pearl buttons, and sparkly things on all the clothing. :o)
A posh urban loft in London.
5 Things I Love About Winter/Christmas:
Winter Coats and Scarves
Fleece Pajamas
Having a few extra days off of work
Getting pomegranates at the grocery store
People to Tag:
Lisa, Kristi, Amber, and Janeen
Monday, December 1, 2008
Time to Count Down!

Saturday, November 29, 2008
Let Me Do Your Christmas Lights
While waiting at a stop light today, this guy was on the corner advertising on a sandwich board his services and phone number for putting up Christmas lights. Wouldn't you like him to climb upon your roof and mess with your electricity?
Sunday, November 23, 2008
No more numb butt!
Sunday, November 16, 2008
11th Thing the People Upstairs Might Be Doing...
Tucker on Perfume
So when we were moving in, I was unpacking my perfume and sprayed some on some tissue that was sitting on the ground.
Tucker took that opportunity to roll in the tissue and inhale a large amount of it all.
This apparently is what happens when dogs sniff perfume.
By the way, we don't sleep on the ground and I didn't kick Matt out of the bed. Our livingroom just furniture had not yet arrived, so this is what we were sitting on to watch movies.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Late Halloween Pictures
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Top 10 Things I Think The People Above Us Might Be Doing
9. Practicing to be the first Indian version of the Von Trapp Family Singers.
8. A daily chore of checking every single hinge on every single door, cabinet, and toilet seat to make sure its not sticking by slamming it shut.
7. Infant bowling.
6. Playing a very disappointing game of "Trust Fall"
5. Not learning their lesson that the tile is slippery when exiting the tub.
4. IWF- Indian Wrestling Federation
3. A little bit of this:
2. Goat herding.
1. Trying to drive whitey and her little schizo wiener dog crazy!
Tucker and I are seriously doubting our patience and tolerance level in this new apartment environment. We miss our ear ringing silence.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Our New Ward
I still have my guard up; as I always do; but so far, so good! Everyone is SUPER nice and outgoing. I've never met so many people all at once and never had people line up in a line just to shake my hand. It was overwhelming! I almost felt like a celebrity or something, we couldn't move down the hallway because we were surrounded by people asking us questions.
There were a few people I recognized from my old ward I attended as a teenager and Matt even recognized a family he knew from Tyler. As we talked to people, there were a lot of connections made to other people we knew too.
Our biggest fear was separating from each other to go to priesthood and Relief Society, but when it came that time Matt found that his class gets cookies and I found 2 different people asking me to come and sit with with so that I wouldn't be by myself! I found a friend in a lady who urged me to sit on the back row with her so she could point out everyone and give me the scoop on each and every one of them, which was very helpful in helping me remember people and a lot of fun!
It was really nice being around people again who love their ward and who couldn't wait to come and tell you how great of a ward it was to be in. I haven't heard anyone say that since I was a kid and lived in Athens. I think we're going to like it here.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Moving, Amish Life, and Throbbing Pain
So far we have no cable, internet, telephone, or sofa and that makes for a lot of nights spent sitting on the bed, reading books to each other and playing solitaire. It's almost like being Amish. I'm handling it okay, but Matt doesn't seem to be coping so well. Luckily Verizon fit us into their busy schedule and will set us up next Thursday and get us back to 2008. However, we're still without our Chofa and Chair until the 22nd, so the floor will still be our hangout.
On Monday I developed a very bad throbbing pain in the top right of my mouth. It was so bad, I didn't sleep the entire night. I thought it to be a tooth ache since it was near my gums, but after taking off work Tuesday and spending money we don't have at the Dentist taking x-rays and running tests, they could find nothing wrong. I spent another night without sleep, drinking 11 bottles of water (the cold water swishing in my mouth was the only thing that would numb the pain for a few seconds at a time), and peeing 1,000 times. The next day at work, the pain only grew worse and worse as I drink another 12 bottles of water for pain and peed probably 2,000 times. Finally that night I went to the doctor to see if it was some type of allergic reaction to the steroids, antibiotics for my sinus infection, or arthritic pain killers he had given me a few days prior. After quickly ruling that out, a head x-ray and more poking around, the doctor couldn't figure out where the pain was coming from either. Eventually he declared it a type a virus that was relative to bells palsy (without the paralyzing and numbness of course) and put me on a viral medicine. I also had my dad and Matt give me a blessing so that I could get some rest and I think that has helped a lot. So far I've only had 5 waters today!
We've taken pictures of our move and I wanted to post them, but since this connection is so SLOW, I'd never get them up. Hopefully I'll be able to post them next week and be able to show off our new dining room table. I'm especially proud of it and proud of all the building Matt did putting everything together. He's pretty handy!
More to come next week!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
And So It Begins...

Only 2 more days until Halloween! EEEEEEEE!!!!