Saturday, December 27, 2008

Graduation Day!

So the day finally came. After 8 years of learning, what have I become? A doctor? A lawyer? No...I've learned that I'm extraordinarily slow at learning. (This is obviously Matt by the way) Last week I crossed the stage to receive my B.S. in Finance diploma. My dad later asked me if I felt any different and I said "No." To be honest with you I don't think I've learned a whole lot. Yeah, I can calculate the present and future value of money, I can tell you the internal rate of return of a project, etc etc...but I still don't feel like I've furthered my "marketable skills", as my dad would say. So that's why I'm seriously thinking of going back. I'm thinking I should start my M.B.A. this fall. Is it because I think, "Yes! That will give me the marketable skills I need to support my family?" Well yes. But mostly because I'm a glutton for punishment...

Me after crossing the stage
Me and my mom
My mom, me, dad and Paul My smokin' hot wife, me, Judy (mom-in-law) and Richard (dad-in-law)


Kristi said...

My smokin' hot wife, that's so cute! I wish we could have been there to celebrate your success. Congratulations again! Good luck if you really do go back to school!

Sonia @ My Sweet Monkey said...

Congratulations!! and yes... your wife is "smokin' hot!!!"

Jen said...

Congrats Matt! Horray for being finally done (for now at least)!
~The Kiefer's