Sunday, June 29, 2008

My 1st Carnival!

Tonight I went to my very first carnival. I have always wanted to go to one, but my dad always said when we were growing up that we couldn't due to the rides being "thrown together too fast."

He's probably very right about that, however, tonight was the night for me to use my adulthood and make my own decision on we went!

We didn't get to the carnival until after 10pm since Matt had been working on his car, so we immediately made the ferris wheel our first stop so that we could watch the fireworks from up high!

You'll notice that Matt looks like he went a catholic church for ash wednesday in this picture because he didn't have time to wash up before meeting me here. Poor guy.

Our next stop was a fun house. I have to say it was a pretty lame fun house. It had a few mirrors and a maze of glass walls that we stumbled through...but that was pretty much it.

This is us climbing the stairs to get to the "hall o mirrors" before we had to slide down a slide to exit.

After going through the fun house, Matt said to make my experience complete, we had to play a game. He suggested the water gun game because we were sure to get a prize since no one else was playing. Between he and I, I won and scored this nifty little Tin Man from The Wizard of Oz. I was very proud of it.

In all I'd have to say that I really enjoyed my first carnival experience. I just wished I had found some cotton candy on a stick. Perhaps there will be a next time for that...

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Matt part Asian??

Mr. Miyagi said, "man who catches fly with chopstick accomplish anything."

Well today Matt didn't quite catch a fly with a chopstick...but he did catch a fly...with his bare hand and I am uber impressed!

He just walked into the bathroom, saw a fly buzzing about, and reached out and grabbed the thing!

While on one hand this it is really gross to see him holding an's still wicked sweet to know my husband has mad karate kid skills!

(Don't judge his dirty fingers, he spent the whole day fixing his car [with more of his mad skills] and hadn't gotten a chance to scrub them clean yet.)

Happy Birthday Josh!

Friday was my best friend Josh's 27th birthday. I wanted it to be special since it was his 27th birthday on the 27th day of the month (that's supposed to be your 'golden' birthday or something), however, our lack of money made it anything but special. We still tried to make due and have fun with what we had though.

We first began with dinner at a Mercado Juarez located in the heart of the Mexican community in Fort Worth. I do believe that with the exception of one cowboy that was wearing jeans so tight that it made his hot pink shirt balloon out like he was a stick of cotton candy; we were the only white people there.

After dinner, we made our way back into NRH and pulled into Putt Putt Golf & Games for some good ole fashioned miniature golf and arcade games! There we saw a variety of people that included a teenage boy that had handcuffs hanging from his belt loop, a rather large woman in a tank top sporting a tattoo that read "Tank", and as always, a few "chongas". In all it was a very entertaining night and great to see my good friend Josh again after such a long time.

Josh aiming for a par 2.
Me and Josh with a zebra. Taking pictures with the animals is the best part of miniature golf.
Josh's Tiger Woods shot. He's such a good sport at posing for anything I ask, lol.
Matt lining up his shot for another hole in one.
This guy stole my club and tried to attack me.
After many, many arcade games, Josh scored enough tickets to buy a very fitting eye patch and pirate sword.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Tucker the Junkie

We have recently found that Tucker has a severe addiction to squeaky toys. He must have one with him at all times...even when he goes to the bathroom. He squeezes them so much that when one is not in his mouth, his jaw sometimes shakes because it wants to be chomping down on one. He often is heard crying when he cannot find one of his beloved squeaky toys. And to top it off, I found today that I was having a hard time taking a nap because I didn't have the squeaking noise in the room with me as I was falling asleep as I normally do.

If there is ever a talk show that has animal interventions...I feel Tucker would be a prime candidate for that special. He has a problem.

If you have the sound on, you'll hear his jaw flapping...this is a normal sound around here.

The battle for my car!

So for the past several weeks I've been coming out to my car each morning only to find it covered in spider webs. Why or how they get on to my Jeep is still a mystery to me. So this past weekend I decide I'm going to rid myself of these pesky little arachnids.

It all started when we went to go see "You don't mess with the Zohan", not my cup o' tea by the way. When we came out after the movie it was pretty late and I get up to the back of the Jeep and I see 2 spiders spinning themselves a cozy little home!! I was like "What?? Not on my Jeep." So I ended their stupid little lives!

I then decided I would continue this crusade by cleansing my Jeep of all multi leg insects by way of a flood (car wash time). So I take the Jeep to the car was and spend all of our ice cream man money (ARGH!!!!!) to clean the thing up. I sprayed and sprayed. I sprayed behind the spare tire for a loooong time. I sprayed the side-view mirrors for a REALLY long time. And now the Jeep is looking oh so nice. The next morning, Sunday, we are heading to church and what do I find?? A spider web!!!!! Had it not been the Lord's day I may very well have cursed! But I held my tongue, cleaned up the web, and went about my merry day (for we now no longer teach the CTR 5's...mwahahahaha). The next morning was much the same, web web web web web! I don't get it. How can a spider have so much web UP THEIR BUTT!!!!!!!!! The only good thing that has come from finding my many-legged friends the past two mornings is that the web always show up in the same place, the driver's side door/handle/mirror. So despite my lengthy spraying, that fool held on tight inside that mirror.

So I decide that tonight is the night. I vowed to go out there around 11pm (when the spider thinks I'm asleep...haha...stupid spider!) and KILL HIM!!!! When I go down there...lo and behold....dum dum dum....

So I killed him with a napkin and now I feel better.

The End.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Ich liebe meinen fernseher

One of my favorite things to do in Europe is watch television.

I know what you're thinking, "What kind of person goes to Europe and sits in the hotel watching television?"

Well, the type of person who tries to save a buck on hotels and sometimes ends up in a not so nice part of town that you wouldn't want to be out and about in after the sun goes down is who watches television in Europe.

Each evening after my shower in Italy I would turn on the television, (which was normally tiny, black and white, and so small you had to set a chair in front of it to be close enough to see what was playing) and experience a little bit of what Italians watch. However, I found that the only thing that kept my interest in Italy was the Japanese channel called "Sushi TV". It was greatness and sparked my love for Japanese game shows.

On our last trip to Germany though, I found a new love! It was the love of their commercials. I found myself looking forward to getting back to the hotel just to see the commercials. They're hilarious! America could never get away with some of the commercials they have and probably could never think them up either. Some of them are so clever!

Anyhow, yesterday I received an email with this commercial in it and it reminded me of just how much I miss watching television in Germany. I hope you think this guy's laugh is as funny as I do.

Monday, June 9, 2008

What happens after I fall asleep

So last night after watching a movie, I promptly fell asleep and thought Matt had done the same with me. However, when I woke up I found that was not the case.
Apparently Matt had stumbled upon a makeover site and spent the night putting celebrity hair styles on himself.
Below is what he proudly emailed to me...

This is Matt with Ewan McGregor's hair cut.
This is Matt as Corbin Bleu...don't ask me who that is, I have no idea. Maybe someone else does. I'll have to google it later. I think Matt just really liked the jheri curl.
And finally this is Matt as Sienna Miller...I don't quite know what to say about this one...

One might find it a little disturbing that their husband was up at 1am trying on women's hairstyles, but I think it's funny. He cracks me up.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Rocket Saturday

Last week Matt discovered a rocket kit in the closet that he had received for his birthday. Like everything else we own, it was placed in the closet to get it out of the way and forgotten about.
Matt made sure that his rocket wouldn't get forgotten again and quickly made plans for a launching this Saturday with Chandler & Kennedy.

Below are the pictures of how the blast off went...

We first arrived at the field and began set up.

Next Kennedy held a streamer in the air to check which way the wind was blowing while Tucker watched and wished he could steal the streamer from her.

Chandler holding the rocket as we got ready to place it on its launching pad.

Matt set up the rocket and began wiring it for take off.

Tucker was really hot at this point, ready to go home, and kept jumping on me to carry him so his feet wouldn't touch the grass...what a sissy...that's why I put him on this hot pink leash. Matt really hates it when I do that.

Getting ready to press the button!

BLAST OFF! (You really can't see it in this picture, but it's there. It just disappeared into those clouds for a bit. )
And what comes up...must come down...unfortunately our rocket came down in the person across the field's tree. This picture shows Matt on his way to go climb the tree.
While waiting for Matt, Kennedy and I made wishes on these flowers that he'd be able to get the rocket down without us having to call 9-1-1 to get him out of the tree.

Sadly though, the rocket was too high and in the process of trying to get it down, Matt noticed the owner of the house sitting on the back porch smoking a cigarette and possibly plotting to shoot him down like a squirrel.

Matt was very sad to lose his rocket and bummed around for a bit afterwards, but it was fun while it lasted and fun having the kids for a few hours to spice up our weekend.