Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day!

Today we spent the day with my parents to celebrate Father's Day.
My dad is the smartest and gentlest man I've ever known.
He raised 4 daughters and never acted like he wished he had a son to do manly things with. As a child he let me do his hair up with bows and clips, he helped pick out pink wallpaper for my room, and he'd take me to get dolls and help me put on their clothes when it was too hard for me. In the winter he'd take me "hunting" with him (when I'm sure he'd rather the alone time) and never once harmed an animal when I was around. Instead he would always made it into a time to appreciate how beautiful the animals are around us and his excitement would rub off on me as he'd get so overjoyed when we'd spot a deer.
Over the years when our family would face hard times, he would always quickly sell his prised gun collection in order to pay for the things we needed. He worked long hours and drove sometimes over 2 hours each way to his jobs to provide for our family.
His hands are rough and scarred from hard labor and his arms scarred from reaching into our vehicles as we were teenagers to keep them tuned and safe for our travels.
My dad did everything for us and still does things for us even though we've all grown and moved away. He is my hero and I'm very glad I got to spend today with him.

Kennedy's Big Debut

Yesterday we had the honor of attending our niece Kennedy's dance recital!
She tap danced...
AND ballet danced to "The Candy Man" from Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.
She looked like a princess and did a great job!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Events of the First Week of June

Dad turned 64 on June 3rd!
We celebrated with Olive Garden, Chocolate Cake and Tres Leches Cake.
Chandler graduated kindergarten on June 5th and was the most handsome boy in his whole graduating class.

June 5 was also National Donut Day! I'm not a big fan of donuts, but I ate at least one bite in honor of the holiday.

And we also kicked off the beginning of Summer by breaking out the Slushie Maker and buying two delicious flavors for our frozen goodies!
Matt's flavor is cake batter.

Oh and of course no June is complete without my car breaking! It just got out of the shop again thus setting us back much further in our efforts to get out of debt. I just wish we could catch a break. Hopefully the next weeks of June will contain something lucky in our favor.