It all started when we went to go see "You don't mess with the Zohan", not my cup o' tea by the way. When we came out after the movie it was pretty late and I get up to the back of the Jeep and I see 2 spiders spinning themselves a cozy little home!! I was like "What?? Not on my Jeep." So I ended their stupid little lives!
I then decided I would continue this crusade by cleansing my Jeep of all multi leg insects by way of a flood (car wash time). So I take the Jeep to the car was and spend all of our ice cream man money (ARGH!!!!!) to clean the thing up. I sprayed and sprayed. I sprayed behind the spare tire for a loooong time. I sprayed the side-view mirrors for a REALLY long time. And now the Jeep is looking oh so nice. The next morning, Sunday, we are heading to church and what do I find?? A spider web!!!!! Had it not been the Lord's day I may very well have cursed! But I held my tongue, cleaned up the web, and went about my merry day (for we now no longer teach the CTR 5's...mwahahahaha). The next morning was much the same, web web web web web! I don't get it. How can a spider have so much web UP THEIR BUTT!!!!!!!!! The only good thing that has come from finding my many-legged friends the past two mornings is that the web always show up in the same place, the driver's side door/handle/mirror. So despite my lengthy spraying, that fool held on tight inside that mirror.
So I decide that tonight is the night. I vowed to go out there around 11pm (when the spider thinks I'm asleep...haha...stupid spider!) and KILL HIM!!!! When I go down there...lo and behold....dum dum dum....

So I killed him with a napkin and now I feel better.
The End.
1 comment:
This is freakin hilarious. I loved the "so I killed him and now I feel better. The end." That made me laugh really hard out loud. You 2 are great writers. Very amusing.
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