We first began with dinner at a Mercado Juarez located in the heart of the Mexican community in Fort Worth. I do believe that with the exception of one cowboy that was wearing jeans so tight that it made his hot pink shirt balloon out like he was a stick of cotton candy; we were the only white people there.
After dinner, we made our way back into NRH and pulled into Putt Putt Golf & Games for some good ole fashioned miniature golf and arcade games! There we saw a variety of people that included a teenage boy that had handcuffs hanging from his belt loop, a rather large woman in a tank top sporting a tattoo that read "Tank", and as always, a few "chongas". In all it was a very entertaining night and great to see my good friend Josh again after such a long time.
Josh aiming for a par 2.

Me and Josh with a zebra. Taking pictures with the animals is the best part of miniature golf.
Josh's Tiger Woods shot. He's such a good sport at posing for anything I ask, lol.
Matt lining up his shot for another hole in one.
This guy stole my club and tried to attack me.
After many, many arcade games, Josh scored enough tickets to buy a very fitting eye patch and pirate sword.

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