This time it's about husbands.

1. What is his name? Matthew Vaughn
2. Who eats more? Definitely Matt.
3. Who said I love you first? Matt
4. Who is taller? Him (I'm 5'3, he's 6')
5. Who is smarter? Matt has book smarts and has a lot of random information up in that head of his, however, I have more street smarts than he does.
6. Who is more sensitive? We're both very sensitive souls, but I'd have to say he's a tad bit more than I am. He had a rough childhood. lol
7.Who does the laundry? I do, but Matt helps fold sometimes.
8. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Standing at the foot of the bed looking at it, I do.
9. Who pays the bills? We both make the money, but I keep track of it, write the checks and send them off.
10. Who cooks more? I do, but he always wants to help. The guy loves being around food.
11. What meals do you cook together? Shepherds Pie, Soups, and Fake Steak Fajitas. Matt is my vegetable cutter.
12. Who is more stubborn? We're both terribly hard headed. I'd say he is...but he'd probably say I am.
13. Who is the first to admit they're wrong? We both know when we're wrong and will say it if we are.
14. Who has more siblings? He definitely does.
15. Who wears the pants in the relationship? Neither of us. We both just work together.
16. What do you like to do together? Travel the world
17. Who eats more sweets? That's Matt again...I think he was deprived as a child or something.
18. His Guilty pleasures? He likes electronics...expensive ones and again, he likes sweets and anything unhealthy.
19. How did you meet? That's a story in itself. We tell people we met at the singles' ward to keep it simple, but we really met several years before that at my ex's family Christmas party. I was with my ex and he was with his ex (my ex's cousin), we really took no note of each other because of that, so when we met again years later is was like meeting for the first time again.
20. Who asked who out first? I had to talk him into it, but eventually he asked me out but only as "friends"...he made that clear. lol
21. Who kissed who first? That's debatable. I held his hand first and eventually that night after using all my smooth moves...we kissed. (I think it was me.)
22. Who proposed? Matt did and it was quite a surprise! He did it with a fortune cookie (I use to always carry fortune cookies in my purse and eat them all the time) at a park we visited on our first date.
23. His best features? His blue eyes and smile
24. What is his greatest quality? Matt's middle name should be "Try". He will try his hardest to accomplish anything he sets his mind to and he will try everything he can to make a person happy. He is very generous and he is very good at managing all he has going on in his life. He is also very kind to our cat Sarah who is very old and sometimes hard to be around because she's not as friendly or groomed as she use to be.
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