For this Forth of July, Matt and I decided to take a trip out to Ennis for a night at the Drive-In theater. We saw "Get Smart" and "The Hulk" (not my cup 0' tea by the way...I actually feel dumber having watched it).
I love going to the drive-in because it's so cheap! You pay $6.00 per person and you get to watch 2 new movies! The snack bar is also super cheap and while you wait for the movie to start, you can now play miniature golf! It's great!
Here are pictures of Matt and I posing with the dancing food on the wall of the Snack Shack! Matt chose the meat, while I opted to stand with the icy cold beverage.
Matt and I brushing up on our putting skills before the movie. Two 18-hole games are only $4.00 a person! Of course it was 100 degrees with no shade, you could hear semis passing on I45, and the putting greens were less than level sometimes....but hey, it was still fun!

And finally when our golf game was over, we settled in and reclined our seats for our 3 shows...The 3rd was with 2 girls in the bed of this truck you see in the background behind Matt. Eeeesh!
Hopefully this will be our new 4th of July tradtion because I loved it. We didn't have to smell any stinky barbeque, stay out in the sun for a long time, or hurt our ears with fireworks! God Bless America...and cheap-o drive-in theaters!
Man, I have wanted to go there FOREVER, but can't seem to find anyone to go with at the right time. What a fun 4th. I could do without all that other stuff but I would HAVE to have the fireworks! :)
I am in between you and Amber; If I see fireworks great, if I don't, no big deal. I've been to that drive-in once while driving girls there for Madison's bday party. It was super cold though and I didn't get to watch the movie since I was like a chaperone of sorts. I've wanted to go back someday. I'm glad you had a fun time!
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