Saturday, July 12, 2008

Nazi Cars!

It all started when I first went to London and Paris in 2006.

I had always been a fan of large vehicles; ones that made me higher than all the other cars and ones that allowed me to be able to see better all around me as I drove.
I liked small sporty cars, but I had never planned on being able to drive one because I thought I needed the view advantage of a large vehicle.

Then it happened. Somewhere between all the Smart Cars, Fiats, and all those other tiny cars, I saw someone driving down a street in Paris driving a Volkswagen Cabrio and I instantly fell in love with the idea of that being me.

I could picture it all; top down, wind in my hair, sun on my nose....and I was liking what I was picturing.
When we returned to London, I became haunted by VW Cabrios and by the time I left for home, I was sold.

It took a while after I was back to locate my new dream car because they are no longer made in the states, but eventually 4 months later, I found it and made it mine.
This is what it looked like.

Although I was not crazy about the color, I took what I could find because the closest black one for sale was in Miami, Florida and I wasn't up for the drive.
As time went by though my new silver friend grew on me more and more, especially when I visited other cities in Europe and saw what my car colors could look like.


And as time went by I loved this car more and more and more. After a long day at work, somehow dropping the top and driving home with my hair getting tangled in knots from the wind seemed to make it all better. It de-stressed my life!

And then that all stopped.

My silver "freund" started going bad! And by bad I mean, it started breaking both itself and my bank account.... and then my sanity!

I guess I was totally naive when I bought this car because I didn't know how expensive it was to upkeep it. I soon found that no part on this car was interchangeable with another VW. All parts on this car had to be ordered from Germany. All parts on this car cost an arm and a leg. And all parts on this car will decide to go bad one after another and never give you a break.

A few weeks a go I took ole Helga in to a transmission shop because she wasn't shifting like she use to. After a thorough inspection, "Frank" aka the dumbest mechanic on the face of this planet, said that I needed major repairs. I had already sunk in half of what I owe on it in repairs exactly one year earlier and if I got a new car, I'd be totally upside down; so Matt and I decided we'd once again sink in half of what we owe on it and get Helga fixed.....or so we thought.

From June 20th to now, I have been out of a car. "Frank" who promised he'd fix it and convinced me never to sell my car because it's a classic and will only go up in value, does NOT know what he's doing. Every time he has said it is's not. I picked it up again yesterday and not 4 minutes down the road, it will not go over 20 mph again.
My car was in better shape before I took it there!

This whole situation has depressed me so much. I feel like a fool and I just feel so frustrated! I just want to go and get a new car, but I feel that "Frank" should fix what he has done or give me my money back before that happens. I just don't know how much longer I can go without a car though! I'm so sad.

So as a word of advise to everyone in the world. Unless you're rich and have a backup car....don't go German and do NOT trust Eagle Transmission in Rowlett.

1 comment:

The Ketchup Queen said...

Hey my sister had a VW once and it would stall out at lights and eveyone told her it would be tons and tons of money to fix. They saved up money and took it to a place that specialized in VW and guess what the part was only $25! I suggest you go to a pro. Then stalk that man till he gives you your money back.