Friday, January 30, 2009


My top 3 health problems I've always been completely frightened of developing are: 1) Allergy to peanuts, 2) Allergy to gluten, and 3) Diabetes.

Today it was bitter sweet experience to go to the doctor and find out that I am hypoglycemic.
It is bitter because it is very frustrating to find out that I have yet another health problem and that when my lab work comes back there could be even more. Bitter that I get the shakes/sweats/headaches and can pass out out of nowhere and my only cure is to eat some protein immediately. And bitter because being around people who stress me out can make it even worse (and I'm around those people every day at work).
Yet it was still sweet because hypoglycemia is the opposite of diabetes! So for now I can lock away at least one of my health fears and start eating more candy!!! Just kidding. :o)

What this really means is that this vegan has even more rules for eating! I'm going to have to eat even more beans, nuts and soy to try and keep a lot of protein in my body to slow down my episodes. In addition, I have to keep snacks on me all the time....looks like I need to go purse shopping for a bigger pantry!


Lisa and Dan said...

Wow... that's not cool. I'm not sure... that might be as bad as having an allergy to gluten (: perhaps worse. I don't think the passing out thing comes with gluten allergies. Good luck with that. What would be horrible would be getting gluten allergy on top of that... it is very hard to find snacky foods to carry around that are gluten free. If you do, they are generally very expensive.

Kristi said...

You should send Amy a facebook message about this...she could give you some tips. And Serena needs some dairy free foods to make for Maggie, could you email me some? Or send her some info on facebook?