Saturday, January 31, 2009
A Saturday Adventure

Friday, January 30, 2009
Today it was bitter sweet experience to go to the doctor and find out that I am hypoglycemic.
It is bitter because it is very frustrating to find out that I have yet another health problem and that when my lab work comes back there could be even more. Bitter that I get the shakes/sweats/headaches and can pass out out of nowhere and my only cure is to eat some protein immediately. And bitter because being around people who stress me out can make it even worse (and I'm around those people every day at work).
Yet it was still sweet because hypoglycemia is the opposite of diabetes! So for now I can lock away at least one of my health fears and start eating more candy!!! Just kidding. :o)
What this really means is that this vegan has even more rules for eating! I'm going to have to eat even more beans, nuts and soy to try and keep a lot of protein in my body to slow down my episodes. In addition, I have to keep snacks on me all the time....looks like I need to go purse shopping for a bigger pantry!
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Happy Chinese New Year!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Ping Pong Champion...for the day
The discovery of the ping pong table stoked Matt and many of his co-workers and thus the daily battle of becoming that day's "Ping Pong Champion" was born.

Way to go sweetie! You have brought us great honor!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
The Rain in Spain Falls Mainly On the Plain

Monday, January 19, 2009
Martin Luther King Jr Day!

I was so proud of my soul food. And the best part of it all.....I got to swat at Matt with a wooden spoon each time he came into the kitchen and say stuff like, "booooooy, you better skat".
Friday, January 16, 2009
3 Random Thoughts
I think that all veg heads should look for their potential partner in Whole Foods while they're grocery shopping. Clearly you have more than one thing in common if you're both shopping there and both perusing the gluten free baking mixes. It just makes sense. Although I was scared today while picking up collard greens (for MLK day!) that the creepy looking man beside me, that was also buying greens, was going to strike up an awkward maybe people already do that and I'm just out of the loop. That could explain the hard to find parking on Friday nights...
Why is everyone in this town in such a hurry to get where they're going...yet when they get there (in the store) they stop dead in their tracks and seem lost. More than a dozen times in an outing, I get stuck behind a woman in an aisle or doorway that is staring off into space perhaps wondering why she is there or what this store actually sells. It makes no sense.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
My 25th Birthday!
After that we went to Mattito's in the Frisco square. I haven't been to a Mattito's in 8 years, so I was excited to try it again. However, I have no idea if it was good or not because I realized that my taste buds are gone from me being sick and I couldn't even taste the jalapenos I was eating.
After dinner we went to OrangeCup for some frozen yogurt mixed with orange juice and all the fixins!
I imagine this was really yummy too, but I'll have to give it a second go when I can taste again and want to attempt putting dairy in my body. I don't think Matt enjoyed it too much though. Not enough sugar probably. :o)
Matt's gift to me will be horseback riding on Saturday if the weather and my sickness permits it. I'm really excited for it because I haven't been a a couple of years and I enjoy it a lot. I was really proud of him listening to things I mention I like and making the effort to find such a nice place to ride horses. It made for a very nice 25th birthday.
Saturday, January 3, 2009
A Few Random Pictures

The pink bottle on my hip is mace and in my hand is a sharp knife. You never know what might go down at the dog park...