Today was the laziest day of our lives.
Since Matt now has Fridays off with me, we ran any errand that we would normally do on a Saturday, on Friday. This left us with nothing to do except sleep, watch movies, and develop what I think is pink eye. Yuck!
Finally around 7 I got dressed up just to get the mail. After that, we were motivated enough to try to get out of the house to find something to do or eat.
We drove around and around and sought out new venues...yet at 8:00, still nothing sounded good and nothing looked fun. Finally we gave up and pulled into a Market Street to get Matt some milk...and there our night began.
Once inside I found 2 of my favorite sodas! Black Cherry Cream and Frosty's Blue Cream Soda!!! Matt found his favorite Vanilla Cream Soda! We were so stoked that we quickly checked out so that we could pop open the bottles in the car and drink them on the way home!
Once in the car drinking our sodas, the sugar quickly sank in and we somehow decided that we were going to follow a searchlight that we spotted in the sky and see if we could find it. 

We searched and searched and eventually found the spotlight and were hoping we were just in time to win something or at least get something free. Unfortunately it was just the Grand Opening of a CiCi's Pizza....bummer. However, we came that far, so we then decided we'd park in front of it until it spun around and shone us right in the face so we could scream and wave our arms in the shadows. This proved to be really funny to us until I saw a cop and thought, "I hope that guy doesn't think we're drinking beer."
Just then, a guy started knocking on Matt's window!
Matt rolled down the window and the guy asked, "Is that beer?"
We replied with a slow, "Huh?"
He then asked again, "Are you drinkin' beer man?"
Matt replied, "No...this is Vanilla Cream man!" while spinning the bottle around and smiling with the label.
Then man then said, "Oh thank goodness, I was gonna tell you to hide it because there was a cop right there!"
This guy who was trying to help two drunks not get caught so that they could continue drinking and driving, happened to be the operator of the searchlight. Our new friend then proceeded to have a long conversation with us of why he can't turn his spotlight into a bat symbol like Matt had asked him to do and shared his failed stories of the times he had already tried to do it. Nice.
For only getting out and about for about an hour, it sure was an eventful one...but hopefully our next 3 day weekend will be a little more productive.
1 comment: should keep a cap in the trunk of the car and next time you see a spotlight, have matt but it on and start posing in front of it
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