Friday, September 26, 2008

The List Maker

I love making lists.

I make Shopping Lists.

To Do Lists.

Wish Lists.

Work To Do Lists.

Work Wish Lists.

Places to Go Lists.

Pictures to Take Lists.

Goals to Achieve Lists.

Things to See Lists.

Movies to Watch Lists.

Hobbies to Take Up Lists.

Meals to Cook Lists.

People to Call Lists.

I don't know where this all started, but I have been doing it my entire life. I constantly find little folded pieces of papers in drawers, blue jean pockets, in my purse, etc of really old lists I've made and get so excited if I get to cross something off. It doesn't matter what the task is; "buy grandma a birthday card" or "save up and get the convertible you always wanted"; I was equally excited about scratching off both of those things when I finally completed them. And the sense of accomplishment I feel upon completion of an entire practically priceless.

Maybe I'm Weird, I don't know. But I love making lists. I think I'll go make one right now.

1 comment:

Kristi said...

I love lists too. I make lists of things I want to take the kids to do, grocery lists, to do lists, things I want lists, things I need lists, Chandler's school lists (i.e. what money needs to be sent when) List making=happiness!