Friday, August 29, 2008
In the words of Nancy Kerrigan, "Why Me?"
On top of my hair getting completely butchered and my toes murdered by the nai nai at the nail place; at the grocery store last night no one would help me load water into my cart, therefore I threw my back out again and this time the pills do not feel like they're helping at all.
Then, my friend brings up to me the fact that my license plate, that mysteriously disappeared off my car a few days ago, was probably stolen by someone who is out racking up charges my account running tolls with it on their car. Lovely. I can't afford that! So all day I have been trying to get in touch of the right office to fix this problem, but they're all closing early for the holiday weekend! What the heck?! Can they do that? I bet they were lying. I mean, if the mail man has to deliver in sleet and snow, I think the tax offices should have to work until the normal 5 on Friday. No one cares though! I then tried finding different offices on my own computer, but found I couldn't because it has a virus and doesn't work anymore.
Someone has put a curse on me, I just know it.
Hairy Scary
As I grew older, this stopped happening. If I got a bad haircut, I got a bad haircut. It was what it was and I just went with it. But that isn't the case today!
I went in for a "trim" at a local beauty shop here in Rowlett after work today- I have some wicked crazy split ends lately and although I have been working at growing out my hair, I knew getting them cut off was the responsible thing to do. I asked the lady to trim 2 inches off. (This would leave my hair just slightly above my chest.) When she took off my smock and I looked at the floor, I saw that the lady had cut off around 5 1/2 inches of my hair. It now is shoulder length and I hate it! I feel like a boy. I need a bag to wear over my head.
Monday, August 25, 2008
She's Back!
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Zaijian Olympics!
Well the Olympics are over and although I'm sad, I'm also very excited that they will next time be held in London, England! I love London!
To celebrate the passing of the flag, I arranged 2 British meals for our Olympic enjoyment.

2nd: Dinner!Here we have jacket potatoes, baked beans, peas (I should have smashed them but I was lazy) and steamed tomatoes. MMM!
Matt posing with his jacket potato...don't ask what he put in his. Blek!
What good meal doesn't come with dessert?
Farewell Olympics!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Freaky Deaky
Matt and I watched this movie the other day and I don't think we'll ever be the same....eeeessh!
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Anyone for cake?
I Love Playmobil, Halloween, AND!

Saturday, August 16, 2008
The Olympics Continue!

Here's Matt with the only brownie man who had his own Olympic flag that was made from the broken leg of another brownie man... Hey, we waste nothing around here!
Here's Matt eating that flag....MMM!

And finally, our first guest during all our Olympic festivities! Kristi stopped in just in time to bite the head off of our Jamaican runner! Yuuuuuummy!
We love the Olympics!
Monday, August 11, 2008
Habits in our Habitat
However, this time I just really wanted to because this is my blog and I can!
I'm a very organized person, I was raised that way. I was raised not to leave my room until my bed was made and to this day, it kills me to walk out of the room without leaving it in an orderly fashion.
When Matt came along, I soon found he would be nothing like me, so I never even tried to institute my way of living on him, I just let him do his thing.
After over a year, I finally came home from work and walked into out bedroom to see this:
Matt's pajama pants for this evening folded and hung right next to mine.
I know it's not much, but I thought it was really sweet that he saw how mine were ready for me at night and made his the same way. He's so cute.
Not so Gouda
Saturday I spent the rest of the night on benadryl, blotchy, and sick…but I lived the rich life for .5 wonderfully, disgusting seconds.
Friday, August 8, 2008
Let the Olympics Begin!!!

Behold our parade of cookie flags! Look closely at our lovely icing detail....especially on Kenya flag! I'm not trying to sound conceited, but these cookies rocked my face off! I almost don't want anyone to eat them!
Chef Tiffany and Chef Matt!

I can't wait to watch gymnastics!!!