Today Matt turned the big 3-0! 
I had always imagined this day being a big spectacular deal, but to my surprise, that is not what Matt had in mind at all. Matt just wanted it to be low key and fuss free.
Last night we rung in the big 3-0 by toasting with some Fre' at midnight.
In Matt's left hand you'll see his birthday present. He finally got his Blackberry 8900.
Before our toast I gave a speech of the 30 reasons why Matt is awesome.
Tucker was a great audience...Matt on the other hand was paying more attention to his Blackberry. I guess ya can't win 'em all! 
Saturday morning I awoke and ran to Einstein Bros Bagels to get Matt his favorite bagels; everything and green chili with cheese; to prepare him breakfast in bed.

Matt was very pleased; mostly because he got to use the bagel spreader that looks like a bird to spread his Sun Dried Tomato Schmeer.

Afterwards we washed the bagels down with some Cassis (currant soda)! A special treat we seldom get unless we go all the way to Henk's European Deli.

And finally later that evening, we met up with my mom, dad, Kristi and Nathan for some tex-mex at Chuy's!
Here's Kristi and Mom during our wait of over an hour because they forgot about us...grrr!
(And no, Kristi didn't get stressed from the wait, that's an IBC root beer)

Here is a picture of how I've seen Matt ever since he got his Blackberry.
Oh to be as enticing to my husband as an electronic gadget.

Once inside, the food was amazing!

I don't think I've eaten so much in years.
Me and Matt

Nathan and Kristi

Mom and Dad!

After dinner, it was back to our apartment for cake and the embarrassing birthday song that everyone hates sitting through...yet still people always sing it to you. Now that I think about it, it really makes no sense to do that to a person.... I'm going to make sure that doesn't happen anymore.

Matt's one request was a store bought cake that met all his specifications of deliciousness.
"3 giant gobs of icing was very enticing" as Matt put it.

Thanks Mom, Dad, Kristi, and Nathan for coming all the way to Plano to make Matt's birthday special. And double thanks for Nathan and Kristi for treating us to dinner. You are all amazing and we love you so much!