So my mom grew this gigantic zucchini in her garden and took a picture with it.
Then my mom gave the zucchini to me because who else could make use of such a humongous vegetable?
So I took it home and made Tucker lay next to it while I took a picture of it...for size comparison purposes, you know?

After that I tried cutting it up to begin the experimentation of a new Zucchini Bread recipe and Lemon Zucchini drop cookies.
However, I was not prepared for how freaking hard it would be for me to cut through such a thing!
Below are all the knives I used to get that one piece off.
After that I gave up.
Our Zucchini feast is temporarily put on hold until this thing softens up in our refrigerator of *death.
*Seriously, it kills any produce you place into it. That Zucchini should be soft as butter in the morning.
Holy Cow that's a mighty big zucchini!!
That could quite possibly be the biggest zucchini I've ever seen
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