We've really been getting around Texas these days.
I guess since I've lived here for 25 years, it's about time.
Last weekend we went to Lake Whitney to visit Matt's friend Josh and all of his family.
I had never been there, so I didn't know what to expect and it ended up being a lot of fun! Not only did we get to share some fun in the sun without getting burned like we normally do; but we also had great company.

We also stopped by Willie's Place again to buy up all of their feather suckers! I've officially eaten all of Willie's sucker inventory! I LOVE me some lollies, just call me

This week I also took a business trip to Bridgeport for a meeting. It's pretty much a speck on the map and I'll probably call in sick if I ever have to go there again...however, I loved the people there and also was very impressed at how much they love their town. I can't imagine living that far into the country. I tried convincing one man of how much more convenient living in "Big D" was...but he quickly retaliated by letting me know that the time I sit in traffic and paying tolls to go down the freeway wasn't so convenient to him. Touche Mr. Country Man, Touche.

And finally this weekend we will be visiting Austin. I've driven through Austin dozens upon dozens of times in my life...yet I've never taken a look around. Oddly enough, Matt hasn't either. So, we thought 4th of July weekend would be a great time to go there and check out some fireworks (for Matt) and perhaps come across some odd little shops or antique stores (for me).

I hope Austin is weird enough to keep our attention.
1 comment:
i think Austin will be a blast. Make sure you check out that spot where the Bats are!
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