First of all, I'd like to say that I am the luckiest girl in the world because I got to hit up Willie's Place for the 4th time this year! I know it's just a truck stop to some...but to's way more than that. I really appreciate a clean bathroom and this place has pulled through for me every single time. God love ya Willie. God love ya.

Now with that said, here is a glimpse into our fun filled weekend in Austin!
We of course stopped at our mandatory stop in West Texas so that Matt could get his normal kolache order.
I think he managed to pack it down faster than he ever has this time. The boy loves these kolaches.
As soon as we were done there, we went straight into Austin to begin our search for cool little shops and a candy store to get a marshmallow flavored sucker. If you haven't had a marshmallow flavored sucker, you just must try one. They are delicious and I'm not even exaggerating.

This place in SoCo was the winner and they also had sodas, so that was an extra perk!
But hey, this little cartoon canon was kinda neat.

And this big canon was kinda cool too.

And this bird on this guy's head was stinkin' hilarious to me.

After that, we took everyone's advice and took dinner to this park by the congress bridge and watched the bats exit. It was a really long wait, but very interesting. I would do it all the time if I lived there.

The next morning was the morning of the 4th...that means Red, White, and Blueberry Breakfast time for Matt and I! Since we were in a hotel, this was a little difficult, but we managed to get it all together and had our breakfast in bed as normal.

It was delicious.

The Austin Zoo was our next stop.
I never knew Austin actually had a zoo, but they do. It's more of an animal sanctuary and all the animals are retired circus animals or old abused exotic pets.
I really enjoy going to places like this and seeing all the good they're doing for these poor animals that were shoved in small cages and toted all around with evil circuses. You can really tell that the animals are much happier now too.

The tiny office where you check-in.

The welcoming committee.

Matt and his bag of feed labeled Deer/Sheep/Llama/Alpaca/Goat just in case you're stupid enough to try and feed one of the other animals.

A handsome goat that was much taller than me when he stood up like this.

Feeding time.

Matt and his friend.

Me and a deer that reminded me of my childhood. I really love deer.

After the scorching trip to the zoo, we sought out refreshment at
Golden Wok. I have passed by this place so many times and never stopped. I'm glad I finally got to go and that it was a really good experience too.
After lunch and a very, very long nap. We left again to go to see the big firework show that also featured the Austin Orchestra. The people in this park however provided the most entertainment.
Daisy Duke Man.

Girl who peed her pants while I was watching her and the port-a-potty was only 15 feet away.

Finally it was nighttime and the fireworks began.

The End.