I told myself I wasn't going to buy anything until the very end of my pregnancy, but I finally broke down and bought a few things that I just had to have.
Below are my awesome finds:
Des and Amélie go together like..
...Peas and Carrots...

or....Peanut Butter and Jelly! Ha!

Then I've had my eye on these Trumpette socks for-ev-er. I think I was still a teenager when I vowed that my kid would one day have some of these socks. It was so hard picking just 3 styles, but I eventually settled on:


And Skater Johnny for little Des.

I also made one serious parent purchase and found our Angelcare Baby Movement and Sound Monitor on Amazon.com for a steal of a deal. We originally thought we'd have to buy 2 of these at the store, but I found this one unit with 2 pads and saved a whopping $174.00 + tax! Cha-ching!
Thank you Amazon!
Matt has already read the entire owners manual and we both know we're going to sleep a lot better at night with this.

Hopefully I have now gotten my splurge out of my system and I can begin saving for these two once again...
I love those onesies!.. especially the pb &j! V has some of the same Trumpette socks but hers are the Mary Jane shoes. You know they also have cowboy boot style! I'm getting those for the next baby.
ps... Where are the belly pics?!?!
The cowboy boots are super cute.
I've been taking weekly belly pictures to chart my growth, but so far you can't tell through my clothes. I'm still in all my normal clothing. They say when it hits though, it will be like a huge overnight change.
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