So I recently moved offices within my building and relocated to the top floor of the building.
It seems here on the top floor I have lost all concept of time. I no longer know what day it is, what time it is, and occasionally, I have no idea what month it is. As nice as the view from the top is, I miss my old office and knowing what time of day it is and if it is time for me to go home.

Because of this new time warping office, I lost track of time and had no idea that Valentine's day was this weekend...I know...some wife I am.
In an attempt to savage this over commercialized holiday without battling the mall to buy gifts for each other; Matt and I left the apartment today without a plan except to have some type of Valentine's date.
So, we tried a new (new to us) restaurant called Mango Thai on Lovers (lovers = valentine's day, right?) Lane.

Drank fancy drinks with little umbrellas!

I marveled at all the pretty vegetable garnishments on the food. (There's nothing I love more than radishes turned into roses, carrots turned into butterflies, miniature corn [I know they don't do anything fancy to make miniature's just so darn cute], and any other vegetables shredded up into little curls.)

And we finished up with dessert from Sprinkles cupcakes!
I got Vegan red velvet cupcakes and they were DELICIOUS! Especially because I had no allergic reaction to eating them!

Matt got a Black and White cupcake and a Red Hot Velvet cupcake. (The icing is suppose to taste like red hot candies)

Oh and did I mention that we did all of this before 4pm?
I know that makes us sound like 2 old fogies, but I'm choosing to take is as we've got the whole night ahead of us to find more fun stuff to do!