2009 was a long and hard year.
I'd probably go as far as to say it was one of the worst years of my life. But nonetheless, we're still alive and embarking on 2010.
Thanksgiving came and went without any pictures except for this one of us eating giant Uncle Buck pancakes and commencing the start of watching John Candy movies throughout the rest of the year.
RIP John Candy....RIP....the holidays just wouldn't be holidays without your movies.

Soon after Thanksgiving, Matt and I passed a middle eastern grocery store while on our way to meet up with his family. We stopped in to the
Raja Bazaar and got some interesting soda pop, cookies, and star of
david pasta for our
Hanukkah celebration. Sadly, none of it was anything to write home about. I guess you win some and you lose some.

We decorated for Christmas earlier than ever this year.

I think it was due to the fact that I finally got my
Playmobil nativity that I've had my eye on for years and years. It's so hilarious.

We followed tradition and decorated gingerbread houses a mom's house.

But I spent a lot of time hula hooping like Alvin the Chipmunk while Matt decorated.

We spent the night at my parent's house on Christmas eve and opened all our presents.

Tucker was really into the whole wrapping paper ripping.

A Crème brulée torch!

T&Co! Matt got me a necklace with a little pretzel charm on it because my favorite place and best memory of a place we've been has been in Germany where I got a pretzel the size of my head.

After opening gifts, we played all night...

Matt and his

Me in my

For my work Christmas lunch we went to the Petroleum Club in Downtown Dallas for lunch. It was
schmancy that I made my co-workers pose with these
caroler statues
because I was too shy.

In January, my nephew Will got in touch with his
feminine side and wore a headband to mine and my
niece's birthday party.

Kennedy wanted a princess castle cake, so Grammy came through and did a great job!

At work, Matt sent me flowers and I got a sweet David
Hasselhoff card from my friend

My boss got me this BIG balloon that I'm still really confused about....I'm pretty sure I don't act like a princess at work...

AND she put a giant inflatable cake in my office. You'd think it was a milestone birthday, but it was just a boring 26
th birthday. I'm not complaining though.

There is much, much more that has happened- some good, some bad, but we rarely photograph those times in our lives.
We are glad though that everyone else is doing well and although it's a little late, we wish the best to you all this 2010.